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Puja Sarki

Darjeeling Government College
B. A. (History)  5th Semester

Puja is from Bara Pattabung Kerabari. She is an active member of the Student Support Community in her college and is keen on helping bridge the information gaps regarding higher education and diverse career fields for her fellow students.


Her passion for music and dancing fuels her belief in the necessity of establishing diverse groups and clubs that can captivate the younger generation just as she is drawn to dancing. Puja firmly believes that nurturing individuals through these clubs can wield significant influence over society.


Puja wants to continue with academics. She holds a strong conviction that educational institutions should employ innovative techniques that not only attract students to learning but also facilitate the development of a range of skills. These skills, she asserts, should enable students to engage in critical thinking and contribute meaningfully to their communities.


Through her involvement in the Trailblazer Fellowship, Puja aims to refine her existing skills. Her primary aspiration is to give back to her community by establishing a system that, in turn, fosters the growth of individuals dedicated to communal betterment.

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